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PCMasterX is a collection of guides that provide solutions to common problems I've encountered,

as a hobby and anything else that I find interesting...

I'm an PCMasterX what does Personal Computer Master eX

Computer , Tech and Video Game Enthusiast ...

I'm never bored. I like to experiment and test, my ideas flow everywhere. I tried my hand at many different fields. I could argue on any topic with arguments that support my opinion, that is, my view on a certain topic. Stubbornly persistent in turning my ideas into reality.

My hobbies: hardware, software, network, networking, programming, video alarm protect, repairing, gaming, electrician, engine mechanic, engine electrician and much more ...

My PlayStation nickname TheGonlyMaster


Teenagers today have no idea what they missed. No words can convey what it was like to be alive in the 80-90s, you simply had to be there...


Game Boy and game Super Mari Land

My first Console TERMINATOR 2 - BS 500 AS
My first Computer - Amiga 500
My frst Windows PC in the year 2000
COMPAQ Deskpro EP 6266 / 3.2
Intel Pentium II – 266mhz
512MB PC133 SDRAM - upgrade (128)
HDD Maxtor 80gb - upgrade - (4GB sagate)
VGA Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 32mb - upgrade (ATI 3D Rage IIC AGP)
Sound Blaster Live Value
56K USRobotics modem
HP CD-WRITER Plus 9100I / 9110I IDE Drive - upgrade